Ars Technica figures out inflation: An inconvenient truth: game prices have come down with time
Of course, comparing the retail prices in relative value isn’t the whole picture but it’s enough to make a point1.
In an earlier post’s footnote I already did the math for the golden advice given in The Secret of Monkey Island, namely that in the last 20 years that “never pay more than 20 dollars for a game” rule in 1990 has now almost doubled to “never pay more than $32.80 for a game” in 2010 US dollars.
That rule would still exclude most of the AAA games today, they tend to start from $60 (or 60€ in this odd 1 USD = 1 EUR parity tech industry seems eager to keep). However, Ron Gilbert’s DeathSpank fits perfectly below that rule!
For more information, see Money Illusion.